chaptor 4 Object
“Most TypeScript projects prefer using the interface keyword to describe object types”
structural typing
“Structural typing not the same as duck typing, which comes from the phrase “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.”
type WithFirstName = {
firstName: string;
type WithLastName = {
lastName: string;
const hasBoth = {
firstName: "Lucille",
lastName: "Clifton",
// Ok: `hasBoth` contains a `firstName` property of type `string`
let withFirstName: WithFirstName = hasBoth;
// Ok: `hasBoth` contains a `lastName` property of type `string`
let withLastName: WithLastName = hasBoth;”
excess property checking
type Poet = {
born: number;
name: string;
// Ok: all fields match what's expected in Poet
const poetMatch: Poet = {
born: 1928,
name: "Maya Angelou"
const extraProperty: Poet = {
activity: "walking",
born: 1935,
name: "Mary Oliver",