rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
- u : 撤销
- ctrl + r : 回退撤销
Move the cursor to the first line below marked.
To make the first line the same as the second , move the cursor on top of the first character AFTER where the next is to be inserted.
Press i and type in the necessary additions.
Press esc to exit insert mode.
As each error is fixed press <Esc> to return to Normal mode.
ctrl + i go forward
ctrl + o go back
ctrl ]
% : find a matching ),},]
:s/old/new/g : replace当前行第一个old替换成new
:s/od/ne/g : 当前行所有old替换成new
组合技 使用/或者?搜索输入数字+n/N
try to save this not that
insert ls
- :r !ls
Dockerfile LICENSE app-icon.png astro.config.mjs auth.config.mjs components.json docker-compose.yml node_modules package-changelog.md package.json plugin pnpm-lock.yaml public readme.md src src-tauri tailwind.config.cjs tsconfig.json
insert !pnpm run dev
- :r !pnpm run dev
ajn404-github-io@0.0.0 dev /Users/ninghuiyue/Desktop/ajn404.github.io astro dev
17:23:29 [types] Generated 1ms 17:23:29 [vite] Port 3333 is in use, trying another one… 17:23:29 [vite] [vite-plugin-static-copy] Collected 4 items.
astro v4.12.2 ready in 642 ms
┃ Local http://localhost:3334/ ┃ Network use —host to expose
17:23:33 [200] / 237ms 17:23:33 watching for file changes… 17:23:39 [200] / 26ms